No Coffee Cart?! No problem! We can go anywhere a coffee cart can't go. Doppio KC is a nimble caterer. And... not having a cart is part of our charm :)

Why no Cart?

We don't have a coffee cart and we don't need one. Our coffee catering business in KC thrives without one!

Why no Cart?

It is both easy and difficult to describe why we don't have a cart for our events. Let me describe my thinking in a few ways:

  1. A cart is bulky, limits where we can go, and needs to be towed in a trailer.
  2. A cart takes up lots of room in a venue.
  3. The aesthetics of a cart limits it to certain types of events.
  4. You aren't hiring a cart, you are hiring Baristas (ie. Me and Olivia)

These are just a handful of the reasons why Doppio is a coffee catering business in Kansas City that doesn't need a cart. Let me describe my first coffee catering event that used a cart...

An image of my first catered event in Kansas with a Coffee Cart

My first coffee catering gig required borrowing a friends car that had a tow hitch. We drove an hour with the unwieldy trailer. When we finally found suitable parking for the cart and trailer, we unstrapped the cart and wheeled it a few blocks (Thank goodness it was a wheelchair accessible venue!) Just to get there and set up took over an hour. By the start of the event I was sweating. We hadn't even pulled espresso shots yet! Sadly, there are a few amenities lost by not having a cart. For example, carts have their own water source and plumbed waste water. With a plumbed espresso machine, one can make drinks for hundreds of people. But... without a trailer or cart, an espresso machine is much easier to travel with. It fits neatly in my back seat. I can travel with it in a Pelican or wrapped in a few blankets. For me it is a huge plus for not having a cart when my espresso machines already comes equipped with small water reservoir.

The goal of Doppio KC is to arrive at your event, set up quickly, make coffee drinks, and leave without making a scene.

Not having a cart is just another way your experience is customizable. Our setup can be on display on a counter or in another room away from guests. Depending on the nature of your event, drinks could be ordered through a waiter or ordered through us. Delicious espresso for private events is difficult to find. Finding a Kansas City based coffee catering company with no cart- Impossible! Until now :) 

Above all, a cart implies mass production and high volume. We are neither. Doppio KC is an attempt to recreate intimate experiences with espresso. This is How it Works. My wife and I loved our time at Osteria Fracescana and the espresso to end the night was fabulous. Our goal is to recreate that moment for you. If you are interested in sharing this kind of espresso with your guests, Inquire.

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