We have a unique philosophy about the coffee industry. Doppio KC is uniquely positioned to deliver craft espresso and coffee to small gatherings.


Coffee can change the world!

Our philosophy might sound a bit far out there, but it is absolutely true. Coffee can change the world and this is why:

  1. Coffee is the second most traded commodity next to fossil fuels, so coffee has economic and financial reach
  2. The craft coffee industry is growing, so the coffee industry is evolving
  3. Coffee is essential to the 3rd place, so it encourages communities
  4. The enjoyment of coffee starts conversations, so coffee is educational

To support my claims, I have 3 examples of how the coffee industry is evolving for the better. Two of these examples are from Kansas City and the other is from Arkansas.

1. The first example is about Onyx Coffee Roasters out of Arkansas. Their business model has evolved in many ways. Although they started as a roaster and coffee house, they now educate, compete (at barista competitions,) contribute heavily to Coffee TikTok, and create remote tasting experiences such as their advent calendar offering.

Onyx sources their beans from the best produces in the world. They pay premium prices for unique tasting coffees. One really cool thing they do is allow one to look up their bag of beans and see how it was roasted. The screenshots below highlight this page on their site.

2. The second example is Messenger Coffee out of Kansas City. Messenger coffee is unique because they roast and have many cafes. Their story is very unique and highlights their dedication to direct to cup coffee sourcing. This idea is founded upon the principle that year to year, Messenger partners with the same coffee producers. Although they are now owned by a private equity firm, they are still a staple to the Kansas City scene and have done lots of good work to educate and share coffee with others.

3. The 3rd example is of Cause Coffee KC. Cause Coffee started out as a non-profit that was completely volunteer run. Although now some staff are paid, I would argue that Cause Coffee is a true 3rd Place for De Soto, KS (my home town.) Having grown up in De Soto, I can firmly say that it has been difficult for business to stay in business in town. Against all odds, Cause Coffee has stuck in business. Through their low cost model, and non-profit purpose, they have garnered a large platform, media attention, and admiration from the local coffee community. It makes one wonder if they were a for profit company, if they would have had as much success! Cause Coffee is truly a one of a kind cafe doing remarkable things even still under the radar.

A picture of the Cause Coffee KC bar

I could rave all day about Cause Coffee. It is also the first place I had a real conversation with my wife Olivia. We were at cause for an event for young transitioning adults called Segue (A now defunct monthly event.)

A picture of myself and my wife standing by the Cause Coffee bar.

The drinks at Cause Coffee are undeniably cool. The image below showcases a yearly favorite that mimics a s'mores latte.

A s'mores latte from Cause Coffee KC

If you have made it this far, thanks for sticking with me! I think it is undeniably true that coffee can change the world. these few examples illuminate the fact. Whether its through education, community building, innovation, etc. enjoy a coffee with one another is rejuvenating and life bringing. Espresso after dinner does the same thing. If you are interested in us coming out and catering your private event, Inquire!

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