Kansas City has a great coffee culture. Doppio KC exists to deliver craft coffee to small gatherings.

Our History

If you are wondering what our work experience is within the coffee industry, then this is the blog for you! If you want to know why we started Doppio, then read this.

First off, Olivia and I first really got to talking at Cause Coffee! It was pretty much love at first site. I made her a Cortado. Surprisingly, months later she let me know she didn't even like coffee! At the time I had been volunteering as a Barista at Cause Coffee. Cause Coffee is a coffee shop in De Soto Kansas. At the time it was a fully volunteer, non-profit coffee shop! The shop has been amazing for the De Soto community and acts as a true 3rd place for De Soto residents. Needless to say, Cause Coffee is an amazing place, but this is the start of our story, not the start of my coffee experience! For that, we need to go back 8 years...

Photo of the coffee setup at Cause Coffee in De Soto Kansas

My first coffee job in Kansas was at PT's Coffee in Lawrence, KS. It was a wonderful shop with some fantastic regulars. We worked on a custom 3 group head slayer espresso machine. The photo below depicts how long ago that was because the photo was taken on film! We often pulled double shots with pre-infusions. We used acaia lunar scales for timing every shot! Dialing in was done on the fly. We also had a mod bar where we brewed up select single origin pour overs. It was a fantastic experience and my first look at how a coffee shop could function- in good ways and bad.

A black and white photo of a Slayer Espresso Machine at PT's Lawrence
A 3 group head Slayer Espresso Machine

My second coffee gig was at McClains Bakery in Lawrence, Kansas. This experience was really tough but also where I developed my speed as a barista. We worked on two La Marzocco Stradas. Each week we went through over 100lbs of epsresso. Drinks were ordered across the shop with a cashier. When ordered, a ticket was printed and the drink was made. This shop was located on the campus of KU, so there were often hourly rushes. It was an extremely high volume shop, and for serving craft coffee, we delivered top notch shots to our customers. At the same time, people would also order adult beverages so part of the job was making cocktails. It was a fast paced environment with little contact with customers. We used some fantastic equipment, but sadly, I was simply a cog in the machine of commerce. The joy of craft coffee, talking and educating others was lost at this job. The space could also be rented out and I was on staff for a few catered private events.

Two Strada Espresso Machines at McClains Bakery Lawrence

Only once did I work a coffee cart and this coffee cart was a disaster. This coffee cart was called Circle Coffee and it was owned by a friend of mine. In some ways, the setup made sense and in other ways it completely failed. Just to setup for the event, my co-barista and myself had to pull the cart in a towed trailer behind the car. Getting it in and out of the venue was difficult. Some aspects of the cart were extremely unsanitary. I think I was paid $50 for running this event for a few hours. We made drinks and people paid through a square card reader. After that one event I never did it again. It was an eye opening experience for how catered coffee would work, but more than anything, I learned how to create good coffee for others. Some things can't be sacrificed for speed or mobility.

Circle Coffee Co Coffee Cart at a private event
Circle Coffee Co. Cart at an Art gallery
A catered private event by circle coffee co.
Behind the bar look at Circle Coffee Co.

Beyond these few work experiences, I have been brewing coffee at home for years and years. My passion for coffee can be easily summarized by this photo of me using a rolling pin to grind up some Repetition Coffee (A lawrence local coffee roaster.) I was in Peru at the time and brought the Peruvian coffee to drink there with my friends. Little did I know, but they don't even drink coffee or have a grinder! I ended up making a pour over with an Aeropress, but I had to grind the beans somehow!

Repetition Coffee being ground via rolling pin.

In 2021 I acquired my first personal espresso machine! Having not worked professionally in coffee for a number of years, I was excited to get the Rocket Appartamento to start brewing coffee at home. Since then, I have brought it to a few friends homes to make them coffee. I have brewed a variety of craft coffees, and slowly upgraded my setup. Having my own espresso machine has been an absolute game changer and I love it!

In sum, I have been interested in coffee for over 8 years. I have worked professionally but more than anything, I enjoy sharing coffee with others. Making coffee is a daily ritual that is relaxing and fun. It is something to take serious and not serious. I love making coffee for others because coffee can change the world! We have the unique opportunity to taste and smell other parts of the world! Much like wine, coffee can engage one's sense and bring one back to other times. I am still chasing the taste of that 2015 pineapple and butter tasting coffee I had from 49th Parallel Roasters. If you like coffee as much as me, consider following me on tiktok or having me attend your private dinner party to making espresso for the group. Inquire Here!

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