Serving espresso along side wine!

May Wine Tasting Happy Hour

Wine Tasting?!

Yes, we were serving espresso at a wine tasting event. Thank you to our wonderful hosts for having us out. Although there couldn't be two more dissimilar flavor profiles, there are a lot of similarities between coffee culture and wine culture. 3rd wave coffee supports this idea! More often are people drinking coffees where they know where it comes from, how it was processed, and there are unique ways for roasting and brewing it to best showcase the terroir of the coffee. The attention to detail is similar in wine as often grapes are used from specific regions and processed and aged certain ways to best showcase the winemakers vision for the grape or for the terroir.

A WDT device being used to distribute grounds before pulling a shot of espresso.

An espresso cup with demitasse spoon and some specialty chocolate

A cappuccino being handed off to a special guest!

Olivia and I behind the bar preparing to serve espresso.

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