Doppio KC's first pop-up event! It was a major success. We brought coffee and espresso to the employees at laminate works. It was a great catering event.

Laminate Works Event - Corporate Pop-up

It would have been an average Wednesday at Laminate Works except they had me pop-up with my espresso machine. After the machined warmed up, I started serving espressos, macchiatos, cappuccinos, and lattes to their staff. I was there for 2 hours and everyone got a drink! Some people just wanted to get a drink then get back to work while others wanted to chat about the machine and the coffees. Two individuals drank 3 lattes each! Just being there was quite the spectacle! It was an absolute blast to share my passion for coffee with those in the office.

An image of me pouring a small cappuccino with latte art.

I set up in their break room right on the break room table. I brought my own water and simply plugged into their electrical outlet. Not having a cart made getting in and out of the office a breeze. It also meant it took less time for me to setup and start serving employees. I didn't. ring any decaf coffee because I knew that everyone drank caffein, but if I knew that was desired, I would have brought a second grinder with decaf beans.  My machine can't make drinks at the same speed as a commercial machine, but for an office staff of 40 people, I was easily able to serve everyone in the 2 hours I was setup.

A closer look at the machine and setup.

A picture of my setup. It takes up very little space!

The event was an absolute success. The machine was pushed to its limits and it succeeded! For this event, I used beans from Messenger Coffee.

If you are interested in me popping up at your corporate office or private event, make sure to inquire.

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