Festive Cellar Dinner by Savor and Swirl

We recently attended the Festive Cellar Dinner pop-up by Savor and Swirl

Coffee and Dessert

The event was in South Kansas City. For this event, I specially picked the Krampus coffee by Onyx Coffee Labs. This single origin Kenyan paired beautifully with the Savor and Swirl spice cake.

An image of the Krampus coffee alongside the Doppio espresso cup and saucer.

To best showcase the Krampus coffee, we provided each attendee a QR code that takes them to a page on our website that lets them read more about the coffee, its origin, pricing transparency, how it was processed, and more. The Krampus is a unique offering by Onyx because it is roasted in a near traditional style and features flavors such as roasted tobacco and spicy citrus.

an image of a table full of plated Spice Cakes
An Image of 4 espressos ready to be delivered.

The Meal

Savor and Swirl truly out did themselves at this Kansas City popup. It was a wonderful meal with aged wines.

Zero Cart Coffee Setup

Here are a few close up photos of the Rocket Appartamento and how it can be set up nearly anywhere. At this particular event, we only served espresso, so the machine was able to operate off its built in water tank and no running water was needed nearby except for hand washing throughout preparation.

Instead of a bulky coffee cart, the espresso machine was able to setup nicely on a counter space that was available by the event spaces wet bar.

Once the machine heated up, the espresso was flowing!

An image of me holding a double spouted portafilter.
An image of two espresso shots being diverted with a double spouted portafilter.

Meaningful Conversations

Events like this are a great way to meet other people in Kansas City that enjoy fine dining, food and wine. Before the meal, there was time to chat with other attendees and the chef of Savor and Swirl, Kyle Williams.

The evenings menu featured black and white Truffles brought in from Italy.
An image of Kyle Williams, Lars and Olivia Erickson, and others chatting. Kyle holds a plate of truffles from Italy.
An image of the event space and guests chatting.

Wine and Espresso Make Events More Fun!

If it isn't obvious already, I am the coffee guy and Olivia is the party. We love attending events like this, and we love sharing our passion for fine dining, and its rituals with others.

A photo of Olivia and I with espressos
An image of wine being poured.

Truffles for Everyone!

There were a lot of delicious moments throughout this meal; the duck was fantastic as well as the roasted chestnuts, but above all the truffles were the star ofthe show. Not only are they hard to source because they are so desirable, but this most recent season in Italy made harvesting them difficult because of environmental factors such as forest fires and drought.

an image of chef Kyle Williams shaving white truffle onto a short rib.
an image of chef Kyle Williams shaving black truffle onto a pasta dish.
An image of white and black truffles on a platter.

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